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Famous KA’s

Thousands of fraternity men have made their marks as actors and musicians. Here is a sampling of Kappa Alphas who have made their mark (listed by name, chapter, professional info):



Tommy Aaron (Beta Zeta) Professional Golfer
Ben D. Crenshaw (Omicron) Professional Golfer
James C. France (Gamma Pi) CEO, International Speedway Corp.
Al Geiberger (Beta Sigma) Professional Golfer
Don January (Gamma Lambda) Professional Golfer
Christian “Sonny” Jergensen III (Alpha Phi) Former Professional Football Player, Hall of Famer
Joe Kapp (Alpha Xi) former Professional Football Player, Hall of Famer
J. Tim McCarver (Gamma Gamma) former Professional Baseball Player, Hall of Famer
Ernest “Ernie” Nevers (Alpha Pi) former Professional Football Player, Hall of Famer
Jay Sigel (Tau) Professional Golfer
Melvin Stewart (Pi) Olympic Gold Medalist (Swimming)
Dave Stockton (Beta Sigma) Professional Golfer
Danny Sullivan (Theta) Professional Race Car Driver
Sam Wyche (Iota) former National Football League Head Coach, NFL Analyst



Pat Boone (Gamma Lambda) Movie star and recording artist
Bill Engvall (Xi) Actor and comedian
George Grizzard (Upsilon) Stage, television and movie actor, Tony award winner
George Hamilton IV (Upsilon) Country music singer
Page McConnell (Beta Lambda) Member of music group “Phish”
Richard Moll (Alpha Xi) Television and movie actor, best known as “Bull” on Night Court sitcom
Anthony Perkins (Alpha Psi) Actor, best known for roles in thriller – “Psycho”
Carlie Rose (Upsilon) Talk show host
Randolph Scott (Alpha Sigma) former actor, “Western” movie star
Ned Vaughn (Psi) Television and movie actor



Clyde B. Anderson (Alpha Beta) President and CEO of Books-A-Million
Clayton D. Baird (Omicron) Chairman of Mrs. Baird’s Bakeries
John H. Bryan, Jr. (Alpha Epsilon) former Chairman and CEO of Sara Lee Corporation
Ely R. Callaway, Jr. (Epsilon) former Chairman and CEO of Callaway Golf
David M. Chamberlin (Tau) CEO of Shaklee Corporation
Harry Cullen (Gamma Mu) Director of Cullen Bank Center
Robert Crandall (Alpha Zeta) former President, Chairman and CEO of American Airlines
Earnest W. Deavenport (Beta Tau) former President and CEO of Eastman Chemical Co.
John D. DeButts (Beta Comm.) former Chairman of AT&T
William E. Dreyer (Alpha Delta) former Senior Executive Vice president, Southwestern Bell Telephone Company
U. Edwin Garrison (Beta Tau) Chairman of the Thiokol Corporation
David A. Stonecipher (Chi) CEO and president of Jefferson – Pilot Corporation



Carl Albert (Beta Eta) former U.S. Congressman (Oklahoma), Speaker of the House
Roy Blunt (Alpha Eta) U.S. Congressman (Missouri)
J. Caleb Boggs (Beta Epsilon) former Governor of Delaware; Former U.S. Senator (Delaware)
Rick Boucher (Beta Rho) U.S. Congressman (Virginia)
Hugh Clegg (Alpha Nu) former Assistant Director of the Federal Bureau of Investigation
William Clements (Beta Lambda) former Governor of Texas
Clark M. Clifford (Alpha Theta) former Chief Council to U.S. Presidents Truman, Eisenhower and Kennedy; former Secretary of Defense
Larry Combest (Gamma Chi) U.S. Congressman (Texas)
Bart Gordon (Delta Lambda) U.S. Congressman (Tennessee)
J. Edgar Hoover (Alpha Nu) former Director of the Federal Bureau of Investigation
G.V. “Sonny” Montgomery (Beta Tau) former U.S. Congressman, Author of the G.I. Bill
Bill Owens (Delta Kappa) Governor of Colorado
Austin Peay (Omega) former Governor of Tennessee
Claude Pepper (Alpha Omega) former U.S. Congressman (Florida); former U.S. Senator (Florida)
Dean Rusk (Sigma) former U.S. Secretary of State
Floyd D. Spence (Rho) U.S. Congressman (South Carolina)



Admiral Richard E. Byrd, Jr. (Lambda) U.S. Navy, Antarctic Explorer; Congressional Medal of Honor Recipient
Captain David McCampbell (Alpha Sigma) U.S. Navy Fighter Pilot and all-time top U.S. ace; Congressional Medal of Honor Recipient
General George C. Marshall (Beta) former U.S. Secretary of State; Former U.S. Secretary of Defense; Former General of the U.S. Army; Author of the “Marshall Plan”; Nobel Peace Prize Recipient
General Jack N. Merritt (Beta Eta) former Leader of NATO
General George S. Patton (Beta) former General of the U.S. Army
General J.H. Binford Peay II (Beta) Vice Chief of Staff, U.S. Army; Superitendent, Virginia Military Institute
General Lemuel C. Shepherd, Jr. (Beta) Former Commandant, U.S. Marine Corps
Richard Truly (Alpha Sigma) Vice Admiral, U.S. Navy; Astronaut; Former Director of NASA



Dr. William R. Baldt (Beta Epsilon) Former President, Goldey Beacom College
Dr. Robert Bottoms (Phi) President, DePauw University
Dr. E. Douglas Hodo (Alpha Upsilon) President, Houston Baptist University
Dr. John E. Johns (Iota) President, Furman University
John Knapp (Beta) former Superintendent, Virginia Military Institute
Dr. Frank A. Rose (Alpha Theta) former President, Transylvania University; Former President, University of Alabama
Dr. Bruce A. Samson (Alpha Alpha) President, University of Tampa
Dr. Billy O. Wireman (Beta Delta) President, Queens College
Dr. Forest Kent Wyatt (Delta Beta) President, Delta State University



Rt. Reverend James L. Duncan (Kappa) former Knight Commander of Kappa Alpha Order (1955-57); Former Bishop, Episcopal Diocese of Florida
Dr. Richard T. Feller (Alpha Rho) former Knight Commander of Kappa Alpha Order (1970-73); Retired Canon Clerk of the Works, Washington Cathedral, Washington, D.C.
W. McLeod Frampton, Jr. (Beta Pi) former Knight Commander of Kappa Alpha Order (1957-61); Retired Presbyterian Minister
Henry J. Mikell (Alpha Alpha) Former Knight Commander of Kappa Alpha Order (1926-34); Former Episcopal Bishop, Diocese of Atlanta; Former Chancellor of University of the South


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